Mplus VERSION 8.6
05/18/2021 1:35 PM
INPUT INSTRUCTIONS TITLE: Multilevel VAR(1) for negative affect (NA) and unpleasant experiences (UE; recoded). With level: - random means for both variables - random slopes - random varianes Between level: - a common factor for the random effects DATA: file is ChapterData1.dat; VARIABLE: NAMES = ID prepost TimeHours U2P PA NA PEx NEx pa_pre na_pre U2P_pre PEx_pre NEx_pre pa_post na_post U2P_post PEx_post NEx_post ham_pre ham_post group; CLUSTER = ID; USEVAR = na_pre ue_pre; LAGGED = na_pre(1) ue_pre(1); TINTERVAL = TimeHours(1); MISSING = ALL(-999); DEFINE: ue_pre = -1*U2P_pre; ANALYSIS: TYPE = TWOLEVEL RANDOM; ESTIMATOR = BAYES; PROC = 2; BITER = (3000); BSEED = 1249; THIN = 5; MODEL: %WITHIN% phi_na | na_pre ON na_pre&1; ! autoregression NA (lag 1) beta_na | na_pre ON ue_pre; ! cross-regression from UE to NA (lag 0) phi_ue | ue_pre ON ue_pre&1; ! autoregression UE (lag 1) beta_ue | ue_pre on na_pre&1;! cross-lagged regression from NA to UE (lag 1) psi_na | na_pre; ! random residual variance NA psi_ue | ue_pre; ! random residual variance UE %BETWEEN% ! Specify a common factor for the random effects c BY na_pre@1 ue_pre phi_na-psi_ue*.1; OUTPUT: TECH1 TECH8 STDYX FSCOMPARISON; PLOT: TYPE = PLOT3; FACTOR =ALL; *** WARNING Data set contains cases with missing on all variables. Cases that appeared before the first case with observed data and that appeared after the last case with observed data were not included in the analysis. Number of deleted cases: 37218 1 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS Multilevel VAR(1) for negative affect (NA) and unpleasant experiences (UE; recoded). With level: - random means for both variables - random slopes - random varianes Between level: - a common factor for the random effects SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS Number of groups 1 Number of observations 17349 Number of dependent variables 2 Number of independent variables 2 Number of continuous latent variables 7 Observed dependent variables Continuous NA_PRE UE_PRE Observed independent variables NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 Continuous latent variables C PHI_NA BETA_NA PHI_UE BETA_UE PSI_NA PSI_UE Variables with special functions Cluster variable ID Within variables NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 Estimator BAYES Specifications for Bayesian Estimation Point estimate MEDIAN Number of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) chains 2 Random seed for the first chain 1249 Starting value information UNPERTURBED Algorithm used for Markov chain Monte Carlo GIBBS(PX1) Convergence criterion 0.500D-01 Maximum number of iterations 50000 K-th iteration used for thinning 5 Specifications for Bayes Factor Score Estimation Number of imputed data sets 50 Iteration intervals for thinning 1 Input data file(s) ChapterData1.dat Input data format FREE SUMMARY OF DATA Number of clusters 129 Size (s) Cluster ID with Size s 48 120 103 122 123 136 124 23 126 66 127 37 39 128 72 129 69 26 58 130 64 115 130 38 125 107 62 124 17 110 131 27 86 56 70 30 134 139 140 44 46 132 126 143 102 7 129 19 9 82 133 8 52 54 105 85 57 116 32 63 36 10 95 71 21 79 40 88 80 41 81 12 144 108 73 49 43 1 90 134 121 123 28 13 119 4 91 16 47 83 5 117 138 45 42 24 103 50 2 106 18 109 53 112 113 76 29 118 55 3 14 22 84 61 127 15 34 92 131 35 11 97 68 99 100 141 101 48 51 135 137 114 128 20 98 152 104 158 78 175 31 177 94 182 59 201 60 254 33 SUMMARY OF MISSING DATA PATTERNS Number of missing data patterns 12 MISSING DATA PATTERNS (x = not missing) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NA_PRE x x x x x x x UE_PRE x x x x x NA_PRE&1 x x x x x x UE_PRE&1 x x x x x MISSING DATA PATTERN FREQUENCIES Pattern Frequency Pattern Frequency Pattern Frequency 1 2547 5 60 9 13 2 3386 6 96 10 4 3 3262 7 99 11 2 4 7819 8 59 12 2 COVARIANCE COVERAGE OF DATA Minimum covariance coverage value 0.100 PROPORTION OF DATA PRESENT Covariance Coverage NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.355 UE_PRE 0.345 0.346 UNIVARIATE SAMPLE STATISTICS UNIVARIATE HIGHER-ORDER MOMENT DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Variable/ Mean/ Skewness/ Minimum/ % with Percentiles Sample Size Variance Kurtosis Maximum Min/Max 20%/60% 40%/80% Median NA_PRE 2.048 1.291 1.000 20.73% 1.000 1.430 1.710 6166.000 1.197 1.382 7.000 0.08% 2.000 2.860 UE_PRE -1.247 1.014 -3.000 28.36% -3.000 -2.000 -2.000 5998.000 3.104 0.082 3.000 5.94% -1.000 0.000 WARNING: PROBLEMS OCCURRED IN SEVERAL ITERATIONS IN THE COMPUTATION OF THE STANDARDIZED ESTIMATES FOR SEVERAL CLUSTERS. THIS IS MOST LIKELY DUE TO AR COEFFICIENTS GREATER THAN 1 OR PARAMETERS GIVING NON-STATIONARY MODELS. SUCH POSTERIOR DRAWS ARE REMOVED. THE FOLLOWING CLUSTERS HAD SUCH PROBLEMS: 120 66 39 130 125 134 144 49 117 3 141 THE MODEL ESTIMATION TERMINATED NORMALLY USE THE FBITERATIONS OPTION TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF ITERATIONS BY A FACTOR OF AT LEAST TWO TO CHECK CONVERGENCE AND THAT THE PSR VALUE DOES NOT INCREASE. MODEL FIT INFORMATION Number of Free Parameters 24 Information Criteria Deviance (DIC) 115012.923 Estimated Number of Parameters (pD) 21883.458 MODEL RESULTS Posterior One-Tailed 95% C.I. Estimate S.D. P-Value Lower 2.5% Upper 2.5% Significance Within Level Between Level C BY NA_PRE 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 UE_PRE 0.379 0.099 0.000 0.197 0.574 * C BY PHI_NA 0.045 0.044 0.142 -0.038 0.134 BETA_NA 0.072 0.014 0.000 0.046 0.101 * PHI_UE 0.047 0.050 0.165 -0.051 0.149 BETA_UE -0.154 0.087 0.036 -0.339 0.015 PSI_NA 1.270 0.200 0.000 0.929 1.702 * PSI_UE 0.050 0.096 0.305 -0.138 0.237 Intercepts NA_PRE 2.030 0.063 0.000 1.908 2.157 * UE_PRE -1.278 0.053 0.000 -1.382 -1.173 * PHI_NA 0.473 0.023 0.000 0.426 0.517 * BETA_NA 0.108 0.007 0.000 0.094 0.123 * PHI_UE 0.135 0.026 0.000 0.085 0.185 * BETA_UE 0.233 0.043 0.000 0.148 0.319 * PSI_NA -1.154 0.084 0.000 -1.318 -0.989 * PSI_UE 0.874 0.050 0.000 0.778 0.968 * Variances C 0.347 0.080 0.000 0.216 0.527 * Residual Variances NA_PRE 0.127 0.049 0.000 0.034 0.233 * UE_PRE 0.225 0.040 0.000 0.162 0.316 * PHI_NA 0.040 0.008 0.000 0.028 0.059 * BETA_NA 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.003 * PHI_UE 0.023 0.008 0.000 0.010 0.041 * BETA_UE 0.028 0.019 0.000 0.002 0.074 * PSI_NA 0.310 0.087 0.000 0.160 0.503 * PSI_UE 0.257 0.039 0.000 0.194 0.348 * STANDARDIZED MODEL RESULTS STDYX Standardization Posterior One-Tailed 95% C.I. Estimate S.D. P-Value Lower 2.5% Upper 2.5% Significance Within-Level Standardized Estimates Averaged Over Clusters PHI_NA | NA_PRE ON NA_PRE&1 0.473 0.013 0.000 0.446 0.498 * BETA_NA | NA_PRE ON UE_PRE 0.229 0.011 0.000 0.207 0.251 * PHI_UE | UE_PRE ON UE_PRE&1 0.135 0.021 0.000 0.095 0.175 * BETA_UE | UE_PRE ON NA_PRE&1 0.102 0.017 0.000 0.070 0.137 * PSI_NA | NA_PRE 0.641 0.012 0.000 0.617 0.664 * PSI_UE | UE_PRE 0.927 0.010 0.000 0.906 0.945 * Between Level C BY NA_PRE 0.856 0.062 0.000 0.721 0.964 * UE_PRE 0.427 0.096 0.000 0.224 0.595 * C BY PHI_NA 0.130 0.121 0.142 -0.105 0.362 BETA_NA 0.757 0.099 0.000 0.531 0.914 * PHI_UE 0.179 0.182 0.165 -0.192 0.522 BETA_UE -0.488 0.243 0.036 -0.891 0.051 PSI_NA 0.804 0.062 0.000 0.663 0.902 * PSI_UE 0.057 0.108 0.305 -0.158 0.261 Intercepts NA_PRE 2.941 0.221 0.000 2.530 3.396 * UE_PRE -2.420 0.222 0.000 -2.875 -2.006 * PHI_NA 2.313 0.264 0.000 1.816 2.855 * BETA_NA 1.928 0.253 0.000 1.501 2.462 * PHI_UE 0.867 0.233 0.000 0.501 1.423 * BETA_UE 1.200 0.542 0.000 0.690 2.595 * PSI_NA -1.234 0.123 0.000 -1.491 -1.000 * PSI_UE 1.709 0.159 0.000 1.400 2.018 * Variances C 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 Residual Variances NA_PRE 0.267 0.104 0.000 0.070 0.479 * UE_PRE 0.818 0.079 0.000 0.646 0.950 * PHI_NA 0.982 0.037 0.000 0.868 1.000 * BETA_NA 0.426 0.143 0.000 0.165 0.718 * PHI_UE 0.963 0.075 0.000 0.727 1.000 * BETA_UE 0.761 0.217 0.000 0.207 0.997 * PSI_NA 0.353 0.097 0.000 0.186 0.559 * PSI_UE 0.993 0.020 0.000 0.931 1.000 * R-SQUARE Within-Level R-Square Averaged Across Clusters Posterior One-Tailed 95% C.I. Variable Estimate S.D. P-Value Lower 2.5% Upper 2.5% NA_PRE 0.359 0.012 0.000 0.336 0.383 UE_PRE 0.073 0.010 0.000 0.055 0.094 Between Level Posterior One-Tailed 95% C.I. Variable Estimate S.D. P-Value Lower 2.5% Upper 2.5% NA_PRE 0.733 0.104 0.000 0.520 0.930 UE_PRE 0.182 0.079 0.000 0.050 0.354 Posterior One-Tailed 95% C.I. Variable Estimate S.D. P-Value Lower 2.5% Upper 2.5% PHI_NA 0.018 0.037 0.000 0.000 0.131 BETA_NA 0.574 0.143 0.000 0.282 0.834 PHI_UE 0.037 0.075 0.000 0.000 0.273 BETA_UE 0.239 0.217 0.000 0.003 0.793 PSI_NA 0.647 0.097 0.000 0.440 0.813 PSI_UE 0.007 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.069 BETWEEN-LEVEL FACTOR SCORE COMPARISONS Results for Factor C Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score 1 120 1.085 2 124 0.857 3 40 0.842 4 28 0.835 5 13 0.826 6 138 0.813 7 127 0.806 8 27 0.778 9 107 0.777 10 134 0.739 11 82 0.730 12 49 0.708 13 122 0.698 14 121 0.663 15 68 0.569 16 104 0.532 17 23 0.520 18 139 0.512 19 140 0.501 20 95 0.493 21 17 0.486 22 69 0.444 23 131 0.413 24 66 0.405 25 16 0.404 26 39 0.400 27 81 0.394 28 105 0.394 29 64 0.387 30 76 0.387 31 128 0.383 32 135 0.354 33 79 0.349 34 70 0.349 35 71 0.344 36 100 0.330 37 117 0.327 38 22 0.318 39 103 0.302 40 72 0.273 41 137 0.263 42 50 0.250 43 5 0.234 44 123 0.223 45 30 0.213 46 106 0.203 47 15 0.194 48 94 0.180 49 58 0.178 50 46 0.170 51 143 0.146 52 97 0.142 53 9 0.142 54 31 0.129 55 4 0.113 56 1 0.105 57 8 0.098 58 32 0.083 59 130 0.014 60 48 0.014 61 37 0.013 62 125 0.005 63 136 0.001 64 10 -0.013 65 57 -0.022 66 62 -0.041 67 19 -0.045 68 119 -0.045 69 59 -0.046 70 53 -0.049 71 29 -0.059 72 52 -0.062 73 61 -0.082 74 18 -0.094 75 90 -0.097 76 126 -0.122 77 20 -0.137 78 51 -0.170 79 21 -0.214 80 78 -0.215 81 24 -0.230 82 92 -0.235 83 129 -0.236 84 114 -0.241 85 55 -0.261 86 73 -0.274 87 26 -0.293 88 116 -0.297 89 83 -0.310 90 36 -0.318 91 102 -0.327 92 3 -0.336 93 54 -0.337 94 85 -0.337 95 44 -0.383 96 56 -0.384 97 7 -0.387 98 112 -0.392 99 144 -0.393 100 11 -0.394 101 115 -0.438 102 41 -0.452 103 38 -0.453 104 33 -0.463 105 45 -0.499 106 47 -0.501 107 113 -0.510 108 98 -0.512 109 118 -0.525 110 80 -0.554 111 110 -0.563 112 108 -0.565 113 101 -0.644 114 84 -0.647 115 60 -0.650 116 34 -0.658 117 2 -0.673 118 42 -0.689 119 109 -0.693 120 14 -0.707 121 88 -0.716 122 63 -0.749 123 35 -0.785 124 91 -0.848 125 141 -0.858 126 86 -0.861 127 99 -1.071 128 12 -1.179 129 43 -1.726 Results for Factor PHI_NA Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score 1 39 0.863 2 3 0.823 3 144 0.814 4 60 0.805 5 141 0.796 6 116 0.779 7 108 0.778 8 66 0.778 9 1 0.737 10 125 0.703 11 104 0.700 12 58 0.693 13 52 0.693 14 134 0.689 15 28 0.682 16 20 0.681 17 130 0.681 18 117 0.668 19 83 0.665 20 5 0.662 21 121 0.661 22 131 0.655 23 138 0.653 24 32 0.633 25 29 0.633 26 14 0.618 27 61 0.618 28 36 0.616 29 137 0.608 30 2 0.602 31 49 0.601 32 85 0.598 33 8 0.597 34 107 0.596 35 21 0.595 36 106 0.592 37 44 0.579 38 33 0.574 39 27 0.572 40 140 0.560 41 72 0.559 42 95 0.551 43 46 0.545 44 13 0.542 45 97 0.539 46 119 0.539 47 98 0.538 48 18 0.531 49 10 0.531 50 135 0.526 51 16 0.523 52 42 0.522 53 90 0.518 54 41 0.516 55 127 0.514 56 9 0.514 57 54 0.512 58 92 0.512 59 122 0.509 60 64 0.507 61 30 0.501 62 59 0.498 63 115 0.491 64 62 0.487 65 113 0.486 66 45 0.479 67 103 0.469 68 11 0.468 69 100 0.467 70 120 0.466 71 26 0.463 72 80 0.463 73 71 0.460 74 63 0.452 75 78 0.451 76 40 0.450 77 109 0.448 78 123 0.445 79 94 0.443 80 82 0.440 81 143 0.437 82 101 0.432 83 19 0.430 84 51 0.424 85 81 0.422 86 68 0.415 87 7 0.411 88 48 0.407 89 56 0.400 90 57 0.400 91 31 0.387 92 23 0.387 93 110 0.380 94 129 0.370 95 70 0.361 96 4 0.359 97 34 0.340 98 69 0.338 99 86 0.335 100 91 0.332 101 15 0.331 102 102 0.330 103 53 0.324 104 76 0.321 105 73 0.316 106 136 0.306 107 124 0.306 108 55 0.302 109 128 0.299 110 38 0.291 111 114 0.289 112 50 0.285 113 47 0.284 114 84 0.273 115 79 0.269 116 37 0.264 117 105 0.258 118 139 0.242 119 112 0.236 120 24 0.233 121 22 0.222 122 126 0.195 123 17 0.187 124 43 0.185 125 88 0.163 126 118 0.156 127 99 0.153 128 35 0.113 129 12 0.110 Results for Factor BETA_NA Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score 1 138 0.198 2 40 0.195 3 121 0.193 4 124 0.186 5 122 0.184 6 127 0.180 7 128 0.176 8 27 0.175 9 81 0.175 10 49 0.173 11 120 0.168 12 8 0.166 13 131 0.161 14 79 0.160 15 70 0.160 16 23 0.159 17 107 0.159 18 82 0.156 19 22 0.155 20 5 0.155 21 39 0.153 22 106 0.152 23 48 0.152 24 95 0.151 25 103 0.150 26 140 0.149 27 69 0.148 28 139 0.146 29 71 0.144 30 143 0.144 31 28 0.144 32 104 0.142 33 24 0.140 34 134 0.139 35 72 0.139 36 68 0.136 37 4 0.136 38 135 0.135 39 10 0.135 40 13 0.135 41 17 0.133 42 46 0.133 43 66 0.132 44 30 0.131 45 16 0.129 46 123 0.129 47 37 0.129 48 32 0.128 49 15 0.125 50 73 0.124 51 83 0.123 52 59 0.122 53 125 0.122 54 38 0.121 55 1 0.116 56 137 0.116 57 85 0.115 58 58 0.114 59 76 0.114 60 136 0.112 61 130 0.112 62 105 0.111 63 53 0.111 64 84 0.109 65 9 0.109 66 94 0.108 67 31 0.108 68 20 0.108 69 55 0.107 70 64 0.104 71 119 0.102 72 33 0.100 73 144 0.099 74 117 0.098 75 57 0.098 76 26 0.096 77 21 0.096 78 50 0.092 79 100 0.092 80 19 0.091 81 52 0.089 82 62 0.088 83 56 0.088 84 51 0.087 85 112 0.087 86 126 0.087 87 36 0.084 88 61 0.084 89 97 0.083 90 114 0.081 91 110 0.081 92 11 0.080 93 29 0.079 94 102 0.079 95 63 0.078 96 3 0.077 97 129 0.076 98 88 0.073 99 90 0.072 100 80 0.071 101 18 0.071 102 54 0.070 103 60 0.069 104 35 0.067 105 98 0.066 106 92 0.063 107 78 0.060 108 7 0.057 109 118 0.056 110 41 0.056 111 91 0.049 112 116 0.049 113 45 0.047 114 86 0.046 115 42 0.044 116 115 0.043 117 47 0.041 118 14 0.041 119 34 0.039 120 2 0.039 121 113 0.038 122 12 0.033 123 109 0.032 124 101 0.029 125 141 0.027 126 108 0.019 127 44 0.016 128 43 0.014 129 99 0.009 Results for Factor PHI_UE Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score 1 82 0.415 2 4 0.380 3 48 0.357 4 5 0.349 5 50 0.328 6 17 0.326 7 88 0.321 8 63 0.302 9 49 0.296 10 13 0.279 11 100 0.272 12 137 0.256 13 23 0.255 14 57 0.252 15 16 0.247 16 32 0.242 17 61 0.240 18 20 0.238 19 37 0.236 20 58 0.228 21 27 0.225 22 107 0.223 23 31 0.219 24 46 0.213 25 86 0.212 26 66 0.211 27 21 0.210 28 36 0.210 29 95 0.210 30 110 0.206 31 8 0.202 32 92 0.202 33 60 0.202 34 40 0.201 35 81 0.201 36 125 0.200 37 14 0.199 38 84 0.198 39 44 0.195 40 126 0.194 41 28 0.193 42 68 0.192 43 143 0.191 44 129 0.190 45 120 0.190 46 10 0.188 47 70 0.186 48 123 0.183 49 138 0.183 50 53 0.182 51 85 0.182 52 1 0.180 53 69 0.180 54 45 0.177 55 116 0.173 56 29 0.167 57 3 0.160 58 94 0.160 59 51 0.155 60 140 0.154 61 134 0.150 62 24 0.150 63 124 0.149 64 98 0.143 65 130 0.138 66 139 0.133 67 9 0.129 68 128 0.121 69 26 0.120 70 121 0.119 71 144 0.118 72 38 0.117 73 97 0.115 74 104 0.113 75 12 0.110 76 59 0.107 77 106 0.106 78 105 0.099 79 135 0.098 80 64 0.096 81 136 0.095 82 71 0.095 83 114 0.093 84 30 0.090 85 22 0.089 86 112 0.086 87 11 0.086 88 79 0.084 89 72 0.083 90 43 0.079 91 119 0.079 92 33 0.075 93 76 0.074 94 52 0.072 95 62 0.071 96 73 0.071 97 118 0.070 98 39 0.069 99 101 0.067 100 83 0.067 101 56 0.063 102 47 0.061 103 7 0.059 104 19 0.059 105 99 0.051 106 109 0.050 107 91 0.048 108 78 0.043 109 90 0.039 110 80 0.039 111 127 0.036 112 115 0.033 113 35 0.014 114 41 0.012 115 117 0.011 116 2 0.006 117 34 0.002 118 54 -0.004 119 122 -0.006 120 113 -0.006 121 108 -0.008 122 141 -0.011 123 42 -0.011 124 55 -0.012 125 15 -0.012 126 18 -0.023 127 102 -0.025 128 131 -0.045 129 103 -0.057 Results for Factor BETA_UE Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score 1 43 0.510 2 60 0.452 3 99 0.449 4 12 0.429 5 63 0.399 6 85 0.395 7 91 0.390 8 86 0.382 9 35 0.380 10 98 0.366 11 109 0.363 12 141 0.361 13 110 0.350 14 2 0.349 15 42 0.341 16 118 0.341 17 44 0.341 18 130 0.341 19 101 0.336 20 14 0.334 21 88 0.332 22 114 0.332 23 11 0.330 24 140 0.327 25 26 0.326 26 41 0.326 27 48 0.321 28 33 0.321 29 21 0.321 30 36 0.317 31 115 0.314 32 34 0.314 33 8 0.312 34 125 0.311 35 1 0.308 36 144 0.303 37 57 0.300 38 19 0.296 39 113 0.295 40 126 0.293 41 22 0.288 42 73 0.288 43 61 0.285 44 56 0.285 45 84 0.285 46 54 0.280 47 102 0.277 48 29 0.276 49 38 0.274 50 80 0.273 51 20 0.270 52 47 0.267 53 59 0.265 54 7 0.261 55 3 0.260 56 108 0.259 57 55 0.257 58 69 0.253 59 66 0.252 60 112 0.250 61 45 0.248 62 129 0.246 63 116 0.246 64 136 0.244 65 137 0.240 66 18 0.237 67 52 0.230 68 5 0.229 69 92 0.225 70 10 0.224 71 32 0.224 72 119 0.223 73 81 0.223 74 78 0.222 75 53 0.219 76 31 0.218 77 83 0.217 78 58 0.217 79 90 0.217 80 123 0.211 81 79 0.211 82 24 0.211 83 72 0.208 84 9 0.201 85 70 0.199 86 50 0.194 87 4 0.193 88 64 0.187 89 97 0.186 90 62 0.186 91 95 0.186 92 17 0.183 93 143 0.180 94 94 0.179 95 76 0.173 96 103 0.172 97 71 0.171 98 106 0.168 99 105 0.161 100 107 0.156 101 139 0.154 102 121 0.153 103 117 0.148 104 124 0.147 105 30 0.143 106 37 0.140 107 49 0.127 108 131 0.126 109 138 0.123 110 51 0.119 111 39 0.118 112 68 0.115 113 23 0.109 114 28 0.105 115 16 0.104 116 104 0.096 117 135 0.096 118 46 0.095 119 134 0.088 120 100 0.080 121 128 0.078 122 15 0.069 123 127 0.068 124 27 0.067 125 13 0.032 126 82 0.032 127 40 0.020 128 120 0.008 129 122 -0.017 Results for Factor PSI_NA Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score 1 28 0.531 2 120 0.447 3 23 0.300 4 127 0.217 5 107 0.210 6 140 0.159 7 27 0.097 8 13 0.059 9 122 0.054 10 82 0.043 11 138 -0.033 12 135 -0.050 13 128 -0.084 14 40 -0.157 15 95 -0.167 16 139 -0.240 17 97 -0.252 18 22 -0.286 19 71 -0.306 20 104 -0.333 21 143 -0.404 22 105 -0.416 23 100 -0.419 24 123 -0.437 25 16 -0.461 26 4 -0.461 27 131 -0.473 28 121 -0.499 29 79 -0.504 30 69 -0.517 31 50 -0.518 32 134 -0.524 33 46 -0.535 34 124 -0.561 35 5 -0.576 36 68 -0.631 37 30 -0.634 38 58 -0.678 39 49 -0.678 40 15 -0.719 41 17 -0.725 42 66 -0.732 43 103 -0.772 44 9 -0.791 45 130 -0.796 46 81 -0.811 47 29 -0.817 48 70 -0.817 49 94 -0.828 50 53 -0.832 51 64 -0.841 52 48 -0.846 53 137 -0.849 54 62 -0.878 55 126 -0.894 56 106 -0.903 57 72 -0.922 58 61 -0.933 59 90 -0.939 60 76 -0.944 61 37 -0.949 62 19 -0.976 63 57 -0.978 64 31 -0.990 65 39 -0.993 66 136 -1.018 67 52 -1.025 68 92 -1.034 69 1 -1.066 70 51 -1.068 71 119 -1.099 72 125 -1.173 73 32 -1.195 74 10 -1.216 75 129 -1.230 76 114 -1.234 77 44 -1.278 78 54 -1.280 79 59 -1.288 80 47 -1.391 81 24 -1.398 82 117 -1.414 83 18 -1.418 84 73 -1.418 85 102 -1.421 86 112 -1.448 87 21 -1.450 88 26 -1.466 89 20 -1.522 90 8 -1.532 91 85 -1.533 92 36 -1.581 93 83 -1.591 94 115 -1.594 95 113 -1.631 96 118 -1.638 97 78 -1.660 98 116 -1.691 99 56 -1.704 100 144 -1.725 101 55 -1.740 102 108 -1.800 103 3 -1.805 104 98 -1.837 105 33 -1.843 106 11 -1.883 107 80 -1.889 108 7 -1.963 109 110 -2.019 110 38 -2.028 111 45 -2.089 112 101 -2.121 113 41 -2.159 114 34 -2.167 115 42 -2.191 116 2 -2.271 117 84 -2.282 118 14 -2.293 119 60 -2.361 120 109 -2.524 121 141 -2.569 122 91 -2.572 123 35 -2.606 124 63 -2.758 125 86 -2.775 126 88 -2.817 127 99 -3.104 128 12 -3.711 129 43 -5.564 Results for Factor PSI_UE Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score 1 62 1.890 2 143 1.637 3 44 1.618 4 114 1.567 5 53 1.555 6 115 1.537 7 101 1.500 8 28 1.496 9 34 1.473 10 128 1.437 11 138 1.434 12 82 1.415 13 123 1.405 14 3 1.402 15 125 1.398 16 57 1.391 17 86 1.376 18 41 1.338 19 58 1.335 20 64 1.330 21 120 1.303 22 126 1.261 23 134 1.238 24 32 1.223 25 36 1.180 26 105 1.171 27 122 1.169 28 139 1.161 29 71 1.160 30 90 1.157 31 59 1.135 32 20 1.126 33 26 1.124 34 129 1.122 35 9 1.119 36 19 1.119 37 33 1.111 38 99 1.106 39 1 1.087 40 4 1.087 41 121 1.080 42 116 1.063 43 107 1.059 44 127 1.058 45 80 1.054 46 23 1.051 47 21 1.050 48 38 1.047 49 81 1.047 50 29 1.045 51 49 1.045 52 97 1.042 53 27 1.039 54 40 1.039 55 37 1.031 56 102 1.022 57 112 1.010 58 137 1.002 59 7 1.001 60 92 0.985 61 140 0.983 62 136 0.957 63 144 0.947 64 8 0.945 65 60 0.944 66 47 0.943 67 117 0.934 68 51 0.928 69 73 0.928 70 43 0.924 71 91 0.915 72 14 0.912 73 85 0.902 74 50 0.881 75 61 0.875 76 66 0.872 77 103 0.871 78 131 0.869 79 13 0.858 80 31 0.857 81 52 0.824 82 17 0.818 83 22 0.797 84 100 0.796 85 12 0.778 86 5 0.769 87 48 0.768 88 109 0.757 89 11 0.748 90 72 0.742 91 79 0.741 92 88 0.733 93 106 0.722 94 18 0.706 95 98 0.703 96 119 0.695 97 113 0.675 98 16 0.671 99 78 0.671 100 10 0.649 101 68 0.627 102 84 0.623 103 54 0.615 104 130 0.612 105 35 0.596 106 69 0.568 107 108 0.546 108 63 0.516 109 110 0.496 110 45 0.493 111 94 0.455 112 55 0.444 113 124 0.386 114 104 0.300 115 83 0.299 116 135 0.250 117 56 0.202 118 24 0.191 119 76 0.173 120 118 0.170 121 2 0.145 122 141 0.105 123 46 -0.030 124 95 -0.065 125 70 -0.069 126 15 -0.088 127 42 -0.113 128 39 -0.769 129 30 -0.784 Results for NA_PRE (referred to as plausible label B_NA_PRE) Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score 1 124 3.889 2 120 3.565 3 134 3.533 4 28 3.348 5 13 3.333 6 40 3.316 7 49 3.287 8 68 3.262 9 27 3.241 10 64 3.235 11 117 3.187 12 138 3.166 13 121 3.132 14 76 3.110 15 17 3.067 16 107 3.036 17 66 2.984 18 39 2.925 19 127 2.893 20 82 2.884 21 69 2.833 22 131 2.729 23 122 2.714 24 104 2.704 25 70 2.694 26 139 2.688 27 105 2.545 28 103 2.510 29 81 2.501 30 95 2.451 31 16 2.427 32 50 2.405 33 100 2.399 34 8 2.392 35 137 2.381 36 72 2.362 37 140 2.359 38 23 2.271 39 1 2.269 40 31 2.266 41 135 2.258 42 9 2.245 43 22 2.236 44 79 2.213 45 58 2.208 46 71 2.206 47 106 2.154 48 94 2.152 49 32 2.121 50 30 2.089 51 97 2.076 52 57 2.073 53 78 2.072 54 123 2.061 55 15 2.054 56 18 2.052 57 19 2.037 58 46 2.023 59 136 1.997 60 10 1.995 61 130 1.992 62 5 1.950 63 116 1.946 64 55 1.933 65 125 1.922 66 128 1.901 67 21 1.901 68 59 1.885 69 4 1.870 70 61 1.869 71 52 1.862 72 119 1.858 73 29 1.842 74 143 1.800 75 36 1.785 76 126 1.776 77 7 1.769 78 20 1.721 79 90 1.715 80 114 1.713 81 53 1.684 82 37 1.683 83 54 1.678 84 62 1.678 85 48 1.666 86 129 1.651 87 26 1.591 88 41 1.580 89 24 1.559 90 88 1.549 91 51 1.545 92 92 1.539 93 85 1.537 94 102 1.520 95 3 1.516 96 56 1.486 97 11 1.482 98 98 1.460 99 44 1.460 100 144 1.454 101 73 1.439 102 33 1.432 103 108 1.418 104 83 1.411 105 109 1.404 106 2 1.402 107 47 1.360 108 14 1.358 109 118 1.337 110 112 1.324 111 115 1.323 112 38 1.318 113 42 1.316 114 45 1.311 115 110 1.280 116 113 1.270 117 141 1.255 118 80 1.247 119 86 1.241 120 101 1.220 121 84 1.187 122 35 1.183 123 63 1.177 124 34 1.177 125 91 1.146 126 60 1.145 127 12 1.070 128 99 1.036 129 43 1.006 Results for UE_PRE (referred to as plausible label B_UE_PRE) Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score 1 49 -0.272 2 81 -0.408 3 59 -0.412 4 117 -0.485 5 32 -0.523 6 95 -0.539 7 82 -0.553 8 41 -0.598 9 105 -0.609 10 139 -0.617 11 18 -0.620 12 127 -0.646 13 69 -0.672 14 134 -0.707 15 109 -0.730 16 53 -0.748 17 45 -0.758 18 78 -0.797 19 13 -0.825 20 5 -0.835 21 44 -0.850 22 140 -0.863 23 60 -0.868 24 11 -0.886 25 15 -0.900 26 17 -0.908 27 31 -0.917 28 3 -0.922 29 128 -0.939 30 20 -0.943 31 30 -0.947 32 125 -0.950 33 34 -0.952 34 120 -0.976 35 22 -0.978 36 100 -0.979 37 114 -0.985 38 94 -0.995 39 62 -1.012 40 137 -1.013 41 90 -1.029 42 27 -1.045 43 121 -1.047 44 48 -1.071 45 131 -1.083 46 16 -1.098 47 64 -1.112 48 4 -1.115 49 1 -1.125 50 7 -1.125 51 119 -1.130 52 72 -1.146 53 138 -1.154 54 104 -1.154 55 76 -1.159 56 9 -1.159 57 50 -1.173 58 68 -1.176 59 51 -1.176 60 115 -1.198 61 123 -1.198 62 143 -1.212 63 124 -1.212 64 38 -1.218 65 70 -1.219 66 58 -1.236 67 122 -1.253 68 101 -1.284 69 37 -1.294 70 136 -1.299 71 56 -1.305 72 61 -1.309 73 71 -1.312 74 21 -1.320 75 57 -1.324 76 86 -1.346 77 144 -1.359 78 103 -1.362 79 29 -1.369 80 8 -1.377 81 107 -1.388 82 36 -1.393 83 126 -1.399 84 40 -1.423 85 106 -1.432 86 63 -1.447 87 92 -1.453 88 112 -1.474 89 79 -1.487 90 52 -1.516 91 129 -1.517 92 23 -1.523 93 80 -1.531 94 55 -1.532 95 73 -1.548 96 116 -1.565 97 110 -1.568 98 28 -1.584 99 141 -1.600 100 47 -1.684 101 10 -1.688 102 24 -1.692 103 97 -1.718 104 12 -1.720 105 66 -1.727 106 14 -1.737 107 113 -1.749 108 130 -1.778 109 26 -1.786 110 102 -1.849 111 108 -1.857 112 43 -1.864 113 54 -1.906 114 99 -1.912 115 33 -1.921 116 2 -1.928 117 88 -1.934 118 85 -1.969 119 98 -2.003 120 46 -2.030 121 135 -2.034 122 118 -2.054 123 19 -2.056 124 83 -2.065 125 39 -2.075 126 84 -2.172 127 91 -2.203 128 42 -2.330 129 35 -2.448 TECHNICAL 1 OUTPUT PARAMETER SPECIFICATION FOR WITHIN NU NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ 0 0 0 0 LAMBDA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 0 0 0 UE_PRE 0 0 0 0 NA_PRE&1 0 0 0 0 UE_PRE&1 0 0 0 0 THETA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 UE_PRE 0 0 NA_PRE&1 0 0 0 UE_PRE&1 0 0 0 0 ALPHA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ 0 0 0 0 BETA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 0 0 0 UE_PRE 0 0 0 0 NA_PRE&1 0 0 0 0 UE_PRE&1 0 0 0 0 PSI NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 UE_PRE 0 0 NA_PRE&1 0 0 0 UE_PRE&1 0 0 0 0 PARAMETER SPECIFICATION FOR BETWEEN NU NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ 0 0 LAMBDA C PHI_NA BETA_NA PHI_UE BETA_UE ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 0 0 0 0 UE_PRE 0 0 0 0 0 LAMBDA PSI_NA PSI_UE NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 0 0 0 UE_PRE 0 0 0 0 THETA NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 UE_PRE 0 0 ALPHA C PHI_NA BETA_NA PHI_UE BETA_UE ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 0 1 2 3 4 ALPHA PSI_NA PSI_UE NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ 5 6 7 8 BETA C PHI_NA BETA_NA PHI_UE BETA_UE ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ C 0 0 0 0 0 PHI_NA 9 0 0 0 0 BETA_NA 10 0 0 0 0 PHI_UE 11 0 0 0 0 BETA_UE 12 0 0 0 0 PSI_NA 13 0 0 0 0 PSI_UE 14 0 0 0 0 NA_PRE 0 0 0 0 0 UE_PRE 15 0 0 0 0 BETA PSI_NA PSI_UE NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ C 0 0 0 0 PHI_NA 0 0 0 0 BETA_NA 0 0 0 0 PHI_UE 0 0 0 0 BETA_UE 0 0 0 0 PSI_NA 0 0 0 0 PSI_UE 0 0 0 0 NA_PRE 0 0 0 0 UE_PRE 0 0 0 0 PSI C PHI_NA BETA_NA PHI_UE BETA_UE ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ C 16 PHI_NA 0 17 BETA_NA 0 0 18 PHI_UE 0 0 0 19 BETA_UE 0 0 0 0 20 PSI_NA 0 0 0 0 0 PSI_UE 0 0 0 0 0 NA_PRE 0 0 0 0 0 UE_PRE 0 0 0 0 0 PSI PSI_NA PSI_UE NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ PSI_NA 21 PSI_UE 0 22 NA_PRE 0 0 23 UE_PRE 0 0 0 24 STARTING VALUES FOR WITHIN NU NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 LAMBDA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 NA_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 UE_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 THETA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 NA_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ALPHA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 BETA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NA_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PSI NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 NA_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.596 UE_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.550 STARTING VALUES FOR BETWEEN NU NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ 0.000 0.000 LAMBDA C PHI_NA BETA_NA PHI_UE BETA_UE ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 LAMBDA PSI_NA PSI_UE NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 THETA NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 ALPHA C PHI_NA BETA_NA PHI_UE BETA_UE ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ALPHA PSI_NA PSI_UE NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ 0.000 0.000 2.048 -1.247 BETA C PHI_NA BETA_NA PHI_UE BETA_UE ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PHI_NA 0.100 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 BETA_NA 0.100 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PHI_UE 0.100 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 BETA_UE 0.100 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PSI_NA 0.100 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PSI_UE 0.100 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NA_PRE 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 BETA PSI_NA PSI_UE NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PHI_NA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 BETA_NA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PHI_UE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 BETA_UE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PSI_NA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PSI_UE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NA_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PSI C PHI_NA BETA_NA PHI_UE BETA_UE ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ C 1.000 PHI_NA 0.000 1.000 BETA_NA 0.000 0.000 1.000 PHI_UE 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 BETA_UE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 PSI_NA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PSI_UE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NA_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PSI PSI_NA PSI_UE NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ PSI_NA 1.000 PSI_UE 0.000 1.000 NA_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.598 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.552 PRIORS FOR ALL PARAMETERS PRIOR MEAN PRIOR VARIANCE PRIOR STD. DEV. Parameter 1~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 2~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 3~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 4~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 5~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 6~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 7~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 8~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 9~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 10~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 11~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 12~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 13~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 14~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 15~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 16~IG(-1.000,0.000) infinity infinity infinity Parameter 17~IG(-1.000,0.000) infinity infinity infinity Parameter 18~IG(-1.000,0.000) infinity infinity infinity Parameter 19~IG(-1.000,0.000) infinity infinity infinity Parameter 20~IG(-1.000,0.000) infinity infinity infinity Parameter 21~IG(-1.000,0.000) infinity infinity infinity Parameter 22~IG(-1.000,0.000) infinity infinity infinity Parameter 23~IG(-1.000,0.000) infinity infinity infinity Parameter 24~IG(-1.000,0.000) infinity infinity infinity TECHNICAL 8 OUTPUT TECHNICAL 8 OUTPUT FOR BAYES ESTIMATION CHAIN BSEED 1 1249 2 399421 POTENTIAL PARAMETER WITH ITERATION SCALE REDUCTION HIGHEST PSR 100 1.545 3 200 1.469 20 300 1.098 20 400 1.057 12 500 1.034 13 600 1.025 12 700 1.004 17 800 1.012 4 900 1.014 23 1000 1.036 23 1100 1.042 12 1200 1.033 23 1300 1.023 12 1400 1.033 4 1500 1.060 4 1600 1.049 4 1700 1.045 4 1800 1.045 4 1900 1.031 4 2000 1.021 4 2100 1.017 4 2200 1.011 4 2300 1.010 4 2400 1.009 4 2500 1.008 4 2600 1.004 19 2700 1.004 19 2800 1.005 19 2900 1.003 19 3000 1.002 19 SUMMARIES OF PLAUSIBLE VALUES (N = NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS * NUMBER OF IMPUTATIONS) SAMPLE STATISTICS Means C PHI_NA BETA_NA PHI_UE BETA_UE ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ -0.037 0.480 0.106 0.139 0.238 Means PSI_NA PSI_UE B_NA_PRE B_UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ -1.186 0.877 2.012 -1.284 Covariances C PHI_NA BETA_NA PHI_UE BETA_UE ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ C 0.307 PHI_NA 0.014 0.040 BETA_NA 0.021 0.000 0.003 PHI_UE 0.017 0.001 0.001 0.026 BETA_UE -0.050 -0.002 -0.004 -0.004 0.031 PSI_NA 0.417 0.022 0.030 0.023 -0.072 PSI_UE 0.009 -0.001 0.000 0.005 0.002 B_NA_PRE 0.310 0.019 0.022 0.016 -0.051 B_UE_PRE 0.115 0.007 0.007 0.011 -0.019 Covariances PSI_NA PSI_UE B_NA_PRE B_UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ PSI_NA 0.828 PSI_UE 0.034 0.237 B_NA_PRE 0.429 -0.004 0.463 B_UE_PRE 0.150 0.059 0.137 0.270 Correlations C PHI_NA BETA_NA PHI_UE BETA_UE ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ C 1.000 PHI_NA 0.127 1.000 BETA_NA 0.679 0.020 1.000 PHI_UE 0.188 0.018 0.144 1.000 BETA_UE -0.517 -0.048 -0.371 -0.126 1.000 PSI_NA 0.828 0.120 0.580 0.158 -0.454 PSI_UE 0.033 -0.008 -0.013 0.065 0.025 B_NA_PRE 0.822 0.140 0.573 0.141 -0.427 B_UE_PRE 0.401 0.064 0.241 0.129 -0.209 Correlations PSI_NA PSI_UE B_NA_PRE B_UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ PSI_NA 1.000 PSI_UE 0.077 1.000 B_NA_PRE 0.693 -0.012 1.000 B_UE_PRE 0.318 0.232 0.387 1.000 SUMMARY OF PLAUSIBLE STANDARD DEVIATION (N = NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS) SAMPLE STATISTICS Means C_SD PHI_NA_S BETA_NA_ PHI_UE_S BETA_UE_ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 0.252 0.108 0.035 0.130 0.144 Means PSI_NA_S PSI_UE_S B_NA_PRE B_UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ 0.208 0.199 0.164 0.237 Covariances C_SD PHI_NA_S BETA_NA_ PHI_UE_S BETA_UE_ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ C_SD 0.001 PHI_NA_S 0.000 0.000 BETA_NA_ 0.000 0.000 0.000 PHI_UE_S 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 BETA_UE_ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 PSI_NA_S 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PSI_UE_S 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 B_NA_PRE 0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.000 -0.001 B_UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Covariances PSI_NA_S PSI_UE_S B_NA_PRE B_UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ PSI_NA_S 0.002 PSI_UE_S 0.000 0.001 B_NA_PRE 0.001 0.000 0.008 B_UE_PRE 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.003 Correlations C_SD PHI_NA_S BETA_NA_ PHI_UE_S BETA_UE_ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ C_SD 1.000 PHI_NA_S 0.033 1.000 BETA_NA_ 0.319 -0.015 1.000 PHI_UE_S 0.089 0.067 0.179 1.000 BETA_UE_ -0.169 0.182 -0.414 0.022 1.000 PSI_NA_S 0.312 0.124 0.067 0.185 0.133 PSI_UE_S 0.017 0.359 0.298 0.230 0.051 B_NA_PRE 0.455 -0.308 0.566 0.148 -0.453 B_UE_PRE 0.129 0.043 -0.016 0.192 0.209 Correlations PSI_NA_S PSI_UE_S B_NA_PRE B_UE_PRE ________ ________ ________ ________ PSI_NA_S 1.000 PSI_UE_S 0.256 1.000 B_NA_PRE 0.315 0.099 1.000 B_UE_PRE 0.386 0.102 0.350 1.000 PLOT INFORMATION The following plots are available: Histograms (sample values, estimated factor scores) Scatterplots (sample values, estimated factor scores) Between-level histograms (sample values, sample/estimated means/variances, estimated factor scores) Between-level scatterplots (sample values, sample/estimated means/variances, estimated factor scores) Two-level cluster-specific observed and estimated values plots Time series plots (sample values, ACF, PACF, estimated factor scores) Histogram of subjects per time point Time interval plots Bayesian posterior parameter distributions Bayesian posterior parameter trace plots Bayesian autocorrelation plots Latent variable distribution plots DIAGRAM INFORMATION Mplus diagrams are currently not available for multilevel analysis. 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