Mplus VERSION 8.6
05/18/2021 9:39 AM
INPUT INSTRUCTIONS TITLE: Multilevel VAR(1) for negative affect (NA) and unpleasant experiences (UE; recoded). With level: - no random slopes or residual variances Between level: - only random means DATA: file is ChapterData1.dat; VARIABLE: NAMES = ID prepost TimeHours U2P PA NA PEx NEx pa_pre na_pre U2P_pre PEx_pre NEx_pre pa_post na_post U2P_post PEx_post NEx_post ham_pre ham_post group; CLUSTER = ID; USEVAR = na_pre ue_pre; LAGGED = na_pre(1) ue_pre(1); TINTERVAL = TimeHours(1); MISSING = ALL(-999); DEFINE: ue_pre = -1*U2P_pre; ANALYSIS: TYPE = TWOLEVEL; ESTIMATOR = BAYES; PROC = 2; BITER = (3000); BSEED = 4386; THIN = 5; MODEL: %WITHIN% na_pre ON na_pre&1; ! autoregression NA (lag 1) na_pre ON ue_pre; ! cross-regression from UE to NA (lag 0) ue_pre ON ue_pre&1; ! autoregression UE (lag 1) ue_pre on na_pre&1; ! cross-lagged regression from NA to UE (lag 1) %BETWEEN% ! allow all random effects to be correlated na_pre WITH ue_pre; OUTPUT: TECH1 TECH8 STDYX FSCOMPARISON; PLOT: TYPE = PLOT3; FACTOR =ALL; *** WARNING Data set contains cases with missing on all variables. Cases that appeared before the first case with observed data and that appeared after the last case with observed data were not included in the analysis. Number of deleted cases: 37218 1 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS Multilevel VAR(1) for negative affect (NA) and unpleasant experiences (UE; recoded). With level: - no random slopes or residual variances Between level: - only random means SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS Number of groups 1 Number of observations 17349 Number of dependent variables 2 Number of independent variables 2 Number of continuous latent variables 0 Observed dependent variables Continuous NA_PRE UE_PRE Observed independent variables NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 Variables with special functions Cluster variable ID Within variables NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 Estimator BAYES Specifications for Bayesian Estimation Point estimate MEDIAN Number of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) chains 2 Random seed for the first chain 4386 Starting value information UNPERTURBED Algorithm used for Markov chain Monte Carlo GIBBS(PX1) Convergence criterion 0.500D-01 Maximum number of iterations 50000 K-th iteration used for thinning 5 Specifications for Bayes Factor Score Estimation Number of imputed data sets 50 Iteration intervals for thinning 1 Input data file(s) ChapterData1.dat Input data format FREE SUMMARY OF DATA Number of clusters 129 Size (s) Cluster ID with Size s 48 120 103 122 123 136 124 23 126 66 127 37 39 128 72 129 69 26 58 130 64 115 130 38 125 107 62 124 17 110 131 27 86 56 70 30 134 139 140 44 46 132 126 143 102 7 129 19 9 82 133 8 52 54 105 85 57 116 32 63 36 10 95 71 21 79 40 88 80 41 81 12 144 108 73 49 43 1 90 134 121 123 28 13 119 4 91 16 47 83 5 117 138 45 42 24 103 50 2 106 18 109 53 112 113 76 29 118 55 3 14 22 84 61 127 15 34 92 131 35 11 97 68 99 100 141 101 48 51 135 137 114 128 20 98 152 104 158 78 175 31 177 94 182 59 201 60 254 33 SUMMARY OF MISSING DATA PATTERNS Number of missing data patterns 12 MISSING DATA PATTERNS (x = not missing) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NA_PRE x x x x x x x UE_PRE x x x x x NA_PRE&1 x x x x x x UE_PRE&1 x x x x x MISSING DATA PATTERN FREQUENCIES Pattern Frequency Pattern Frequency Pattern Frequency 1 2547 5 60 9 13 2 3386 6 96 10 4 3 3262 7 99 11 2 4 7819 8 59 12 2 COVARIANCE COVERAGE OF DATA Minimum covariance coverage value 0.100 PROPORTION OF DATA PRESENT Covariance Coverage NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.355 UE_PRE 0.345 0.346 UNIVARIATE SAMPLE STATISTICS UNIVARIATE HIGHER-ORDER MOMENT DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Variable/ Mean/ Skewness/ Minimum/ % with Percentiles Sample Size Variance Kurtosis Maximum Min/Max 20%/60% 40%/80% Median NA_PRE 2.048 1.291 1.000 20.73% 1.000 1.430 1.710 6166.000 1.197 1.382 7.000 0.08% 2.000 2.860 UE_PRE -1.247 1.014 -3.000 28.36% -3.000 -2.000 -2.000 5998.000 3.104 0.082 3.000 5.94% -1.000 0.000 THE MODEL ESTIMATION TERMINATED NORMALLY USE THE FBITERATIONS OPTION TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF ITERATIONS BY A FACTOR OF AT LEAST TWO TO CHECK CONVERGENCE AND THAT THE PSR VALUE DOES NOT INCREASE. MODEL FIT INFORMATION Number of Free Parameters 11 Information Criteria Deviance (DIC) 124702.009 Estimated Number of Parameters (pD) 22782.992 MODEL RESULTS Posterior One-Tailed 95% C.I. Estimate S.D. P-Value Lower 2.5% Upper 2.5% Significance Within Level NA_PRE ON NA_PRE&1 0.534 0.011 0.000 0.512 0.557 * UE_PRE 0.110 0.006 0.000 0.099 0.121 * UE_PRE ON UE_PRE&1 0.154 0.020 0.000 0.116 0.194 * NA_PRE&1 0.218 0.033 0.000 0.154 0.283 * Residual Variances NA_PRE 0.445 0.009 0.000 0.429 0.464 * UE_PRE 2.735 0.051 0.000 2.637 2.839 * Between Level NA_PRE WITH UE_PRE 0.157 0.045 0.000 0.079 0.259 * Means NA_PRE 2.061 0.068 0.000 1.921 2.196 * UE_PRE -1.255 0.052 0.000 -1.357 -1.153 * Variances NA_PRE 0.560 0.078 0.000 0.431 0.734 * UE_PRE 0.270 0.045 0.000 0.198 0.374 * STANDARDIZED MODEL RESULTS STDYX Standardization Posterior One-Tailed 95% C.I. Estimate S.D. P-Value Lower 2.5% Upper 2.5% Significance Within Level NA_PRE ON NA_PRE&1 0.534 0.011 0.000 0.512 0.557 * UE_PRE 0.221 0.011 0.000 0.199 0.243 * UE_PRE ON UE_PRE&1 0.154 0.020 0.000 0.116 0.194 * NA_PRE&1 0.108 0.017 0.000 0.077 0.141 * Residual Variances NA_PRE 0.629 0.013 0.000 0.603 0.654 * UE_PRE 0.954 0.008 0.000 0.937 0.968 * Between Level NA_PRE WITH UE_PRE 0.405 0.089 0.000 0.222 0.567 * Means NA_PRE 2.754 0.208 0.000 2.360 3.175 * UE_PRE -2.414 0.216 0.000 -2.859 -2.006 * Variances NA_PRE 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 UE_PRE 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 R-SQUARE Within Level Posterior One-Tailed 95% C.I. Variable Estimate S.D. P-Value Lower 2.5% Upper 2.5% NA_PRE 0.371 0.013 0.000 0.346 0.397 UE_PRE 0.046 0.008 0.000 0.032 0.063 BETWEEN-LEVEL FACTOR SCORE COMPARISONS Results for NA_PRE (referred to as plausible label B_NA_PRE) Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score 1 120 4.045 2 134 3.953 3 124 3.826 4 28 3.674 5 66 3.510 6 49 3.448 7 13 3.445 8 39 3.439 9 27 3.434 10 40 3.402 11 121 3.361 12 64 3.323 13 68 3.300 14 117 3.292 15 138 3.249 16 107 3.245 17 17 3.105 18 76 3.103 19 127 2.984 20 82 2.911 21 69 2.885 22 122 2.764 23 131 2.750 24 139 2.724 25 70 2.683 26 104 2.659 27 137 2.531 28 105 2.509 29 81 2.491 30 103 2.473 31 50 2.438 32 95 2.404 33 8 2.400 34 72 2.391 35 100 2.359 36 16 2.352 37 1 2.290 38 140 2.239 39 135 2.237 40 32 2.232 41 9 2.218 42 22 2.214 43 79 2.213 44 31 2.199 45 116 2.189 46 106 2.173 47 94 2.131 48 58 2.130 49 23 2.127 50 71 2.122 51 18 2.097 52 30 2.072 53 97 2.067 54 19 2.062 55 57 2.061 56 78 2.046 57 123 2.042 58 125 2.038 59 10 2.032 60 136 2.009 61 15 1.973 62 5 1.942 63 46 1.933 64 4 1.919 65 55 1.908 66 21 1.908 67 119 1.892 68 36 1.881 69 59 1.836 70 130 1.825 71 126 1.813 72 61 1.805 73 29 1.801 74 7 1.795 75 52 1.779 76 128 1.740 77 54 1.734 78 90 1.723 79 20 1.710 80 114 1.682 81 53 1.671 82 129 1.662 83 62 1.647 84 3 1.637 85 37 1.628 86 143 1.603 87 41 1.594 88 88 1.583 89 48 1.578 90 24 1.575 91 92 1.572 92 102 1.568 93 26 1.547 94 11 1.512 95 85 1.501 96 56 1.497 97 108 1.492 98 33 1.481 99 51 1.475 100 98 1.468 101 2 1.465 102 44 1.462 103 109 1.440 104 83 1.436 105 60 1.431 106 14 1.400 107 73 1.399 108 118 1.394 109 45 1.385 110 112 1.374 111 47 1.370 112 141 1.362 113 42 1.338 114 115 1.334 115 38 1.332 116 35 1.320 117 110 1.313 118 144 1.300 119 84 1.270 120 91 1.262 121 101 1.256 122 80 1.243 123 113 1.237 124 63 1.218 125 86 1.200 126 34 1.166 127 99 1.157 128 12 1.108 129 43 1.105 Results for UE_PRE (referred to as plausible label B_UE_PRE) Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score Ranking Cluster Factor Score 1 49 -0.111 2 82 -0.275 3 32 -0.384 4 117 -0.451 5 81 -0.452 6 60 -0.519 7 59 -0.537 8 41 -0.588 9 139 -0.590 10 105 -0.599 11 127 -0.623 12 134 -0.623 13 53 -0.644 14 44 -0.672 15 69 -0.679 16 109 -0.682 17 18 -0.690 18 95 -0.741 19 45 -0.796 20 17 -0.802 21 120 -0.804 22 34 -0.816 23 13 -0.819 24 5 -0.820 25 78 -0.824 26 140 -0.854 27 3 -0.855 28 125 -0.859 29 20 -0.884 30 11 -0.905 31 137 -0.924 32 114 -0.932 33 64 -0.936 34 121 -0.946 35 94 -0.965 36 62 -1.007 37 31 -1.007 38 27 -1.009 39 100 -1.011 40 90 -1.017 41 15 -1.022 42 30 -1.035 43 50 -1.042 44 22 -1.043 45 4 -1.074 46 128 -1.079 47 68 -1.095 48 131 -1.114 49 7 -1.116 50 76 -1.118 51 9 -1.120 52 72 -1.124 53 16 -1.137 54 119 -1.141 55 124 -1.145 56 1 -1.146 57 104 -1.149 58 123 -1.170 59 48 -1.186 60 70 -1.186 61 138 -1.207 62 51 -1.211 63 38 -1.219 64 115 -1.222 65 122 -1.268 66 101 -1.270 67 136 -1.290 68 37 -1.297 69 103 -1.301 70 36 -1.308 71 58 -1.313 72 107 -1.317 73 8 -1.326 74 61 -1.327 75 86 -1.331 76 56 -1.343 77 71 -1.348 78 21 -1.359 79 126 -1.383 80 143 -1.383 81 40 -1.388 82 63 -1.396 83 57 -1.398 84 29 -1.411 85 66 -1.411 86 144 -1.431 87 106 -1.431 88 116 -1.440 89 79 -1.463 90 55 -1.479 91 112 -1.487 92 92 -1.501 93 52 -1.506 94 129 -1.529 95 141 -1.537 96 73 -1.541 97 110 -1.543 98 80 -1.575 99 10 -1.624 100 12 -1.625 101 47 -1.643 102 28 -1.649 103 43 -1.651 104 24 -1.655 105 23 -1.677 106 14 -1.683 107 113 -1.715 108 97 -1.744 109 39 -1.763 110 102 -1.771 111 2 -1.794 112 130 -1.808 113 99 -1.816 114 88 -1.836 115 108 -1.851 116 54 -1.869 117 26 -1.870 118 33 -1.890 119 19 -1.899 120 46 -1.914 121 118 -1.925 122 135 -1.965 123 98 -1.966 124 83 -1.976 125 85 -1.976 126 84 -2.072 127 91 -2.079 128 42 -2.182 129 35 -2.314 TECHNICAL 1 OUTPUT PARAMETER SPECIFICATION FOR WITHIN NU NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ 0 0 0 0 LAMBDA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 0 0 0 UE_PRE 0 0 0 0 NA_PRE&1 0 0 0 0 UE_PRE&1 0 0 0 0 THETA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 UE_PRE 0 0 NA_PRE&1 0 0 0 UE_PRE&1 0 0 0 0 ALPHA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ 0 0 0 0 BETA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 1 2 0 UE_PRE 0 0 3 4 NA_PRE&1 0 0 0 0 UE_PRE&1 0 0 0 0 PSI NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 5 UE_PRE 0 6 NA_PRE&1 0 0 0 UE_PRE&1 0 0 0 0 PARAMETER SPECIFICATION FOR BETWEEN NU NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ 0 0 LAMBDA NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 0 UE_PRE 0 0 THETA NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 UE_PRE 0 0 ALPHA NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ 7 8 BETA NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ NA_PRE 0 0 UE_PRE 0 0 PSI NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ NA_PRE 9 UE_PRE 10 11 STARTING VALUES FOR WITHIN NU NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 LAMBDA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 NA_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 UE_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 THETA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 NA_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ALPHA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 BETA NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NA_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 PSI NA_PRE UE_PRE NA_PRE&1 UE_PRE&1 ________ ________ ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.598 UE_PRE 0.000 1.552 NA_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.596 UE_PRE&1 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.550 STARTING VALUES FOR BETWEEN NU NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ 0.000 0.000 LAMBDA NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ NA_PRE 1.000 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 1.000 THETA NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 ALPHA NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ 2.048 -1.247 BETA NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.000 0.000 UE_PRE 0.000 0.000 PSI NA_PRE UE_PRE ________ ________ NA_PRE 0.598 UE_PRE 0.000 1.552 PRIORS FOR ALL PARAMETERS PRIOR MEAN PRIOR VARIANCE PRIOR STD. DEV. Parameter 1~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 2~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 3~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 4~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 5~IG(-1.000,0.000) infinity infinity infinity Parameter 6~IG(-1.000,0.000) infinity infinity infinity Parameter 7~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 8~N(0.000,infinity) 0.0000 infinity infinity Parameter 9~IW(0.000,-3) infinity infinity infinity Parameter 10~IW(0.000,-3) infinity infinity infinity Parameter 11~IW(0.000,-3) infinity infinity infinity TECHNICAL 8 OUTPUT TECHNICAL 8 OUTPUT FOR BAYES ESTIMATION CHAIN BSEED 1 4386 2 293660 POTENTIAL PARAMETER WITH ITERATION SCALE REDUCTION HIGHEST PSR 100 1.051 4 200 1.009 3 300 1.023 4 400 1.026 5 500 1.008 4 600 1.008 4 700 1.022 4 800 1.014 4 900 1.009 4 1000 1.003 11 1100 1.003 11 1200 1.003 3 1300 1.003 6 1400 1.008 3 1500 1.009 3 1600 1.010 3 1700 1.007 3 1800 1.006 3 1900 1.005 3 2000 1.006 3 2100 1.007 3 2200 1.007 3 2300 1.004 3 2400 1.004 3 2500 1.003 3 2600 1.001 3 2700 1.001 2 2800 1.002 2 2900 1.003 6 3000 1.003 6 SUMMARIES OF PLAUSIBLE VALUES (N = NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS * NUMBER OF IMPUTATIONS) SAMPLE STATISTICS Means B_NA_PRE B_UE_PRE ________ ________ 2.043 -1.252 Covariances B_NA_PRE B_UE_PRE ________ ________ B_NA_PRE 0.507 B_UE_PRE 0.141 0.260 Correlations B_NA_PRE B_UE_PRE ________ ________ B_NA_PRE 1.000 B_UE_PRE 0.387 1.000 SUMMARY OF PLAUSIBLE STANDARD DEVIATION (N = NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS) SAMPLE STATISTICS Means B_NA_PRE B_UE_PRE ________ ________ 0.167 0.244 Covariances B_NA_PRE B_UE_PRE ________ ________ B_NA_PRE 0.000 B_UE_PRE 0.000 0.001 Correlations B_NA_PRE B_UE_PRE ________ ________ B_NA_PRE 1.000 B_UE_PRE 0.395 1.000 PLOT INFORMATION The following plots are available: Histograms (sample values, estimated factor scores) Scatterplots (sample values, estimated factor scores) Between-level histograms (sample values, sample means/variances, estimated factor scores) Between-level scatterplots (sample values, sample means/variances, estimated factor scores) Time series plots (sample values, ACF, PACF, estimated factor scores) Histogram of subjects per time point Time interval plots Bayesian posterior parameter distributions Bayesian posterior parameter trace plots Bayesian autocorrelation plots Latent variable distribution plots DIAGRAM INFORMATION Mplus diagrams are currently not available for multilevel analysis. No diagram output was produced. Beginning Time: 09:39:24 Ending Time: 09:42:36 Elapsed Time: 00:03:12 MUTHEN & MUTHEN 3463 Stoner Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90066 Tel: (310) 391-9971 Fax: (310) 391-8971 Web: Support: Copyright (c) 1998-2021 Muthen & Muthen